A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: 8192

Message: Non-static method Ce_str::usage() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context

Filename: ce_str/pi.ce_str.php

Line Number: 26

<![CDATA[SAHA FOIP - Request Tracker]]> {current_uri} Custom Request Tracker RSS en-gb {email} Copyright {gmt_date format="%Y"} {gmt_date format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%i:%s%Q"} <![CDATA[SAPS records into <b>IRIS</b> regarding public gatherings ]]> http://foip.saha.org.za/request_tracker/entry/sah-2014-sap-0008 http://foip.saha.org.za/request_tracker/entry/sah-2014-sap-0008#When:00:03:38Z Copies of any and all records related to the South African Police Services’ Incident Registration Information System IRIS as follows:

1. Manuals, guidelines, print-outs of screen-shots or other documents current as at 1 January 2014 for information entered into IRIS about public gatherings:
  • all input fields (including drop-down box option subcategories or classifications), and
  • definitions or guidance notes of all subcategories or classifications (this should include the incident types of “crowd unrest” or “crowd peaceful/legal assembly”, but should not be limited to that).

2. Any definitions or guidance notes that applied to all subcategories or classifications, used in IRIS from 1996-2013.  This should include incident types of “crowd unrest” or crowd peaceful/legal assembly” prior to a change in classification in or around 1995/1996, but is not limited to that. The records requested include records of the definitions of all subcategories or classifications.

3. Numbers, data or statistics regarding each subcategory or classification recorded from 1996-2013, including but not limited to any category that indicates that the protest related to:
  • service delivery issues, or
  • national, provincial or municipal issues.

4. Manuals, presentations, circulars or other guidance provided to support and train police in appropriate behaviour and taking action at public gatherings, (whether or not identified as “crowd unrest” or “crowd peaceful/legal assembly”).

5. Manuals, presentations, circulars or other guidance setting out principles or criteria to analyse and prepare for expected public gatherings including but not limited to the guidelines to assess the resources (including in terms of number of police and weapons) required to attend a public gathering (whether or not it is expected to involve “crowd unrest” or “crowd peaceful/legal assembly”).

  o Reference number, if available:
  o Any further particulars of record:

<![CDATA[Request for records reflecting the types and categories of information maintained on SAPS' Incident Registration Information System (<b>IRIS</b>). ]]> http://foip.saha.org.za/request_tracker/entry/sah-2015-sap-0024 http://foip.saha.org.za/request_tracker/entry/sah-2015-sap-0024#When:00:04:03Z Copies of records reflecting the types and categories of information maintained on SAPS’ Incident Registration Information System (IRIS), including but not limited to the user manual for the IRIS system.

<![CDATA[Data recorded over the period 2013 to 2018, in the Incident Registration Information System (<b>IRIS</b>), for each incident classified as either “crowd (unrest)” or “crowd (peaceful)”. ]]> http://foip.saha.org.za/request_tracker/entry/sah-2018-sap-0001 http://foip.saha.org.za/request_tracker/entry/sah-2018-sap-0001#When:00:05:24Z Copies of any and all records in the South African Police Services’ Incident Registration Information System (IRIS) that relates to data recorded from 1 January 2013 to date (18 January 2018), for each incident classified as either (i) “crowd (unrest)” or (ii) “crowd (peaceful)”, with fields for each incident including (a) geography (provinces and nationally), (b) “residential”, (c) “date” and (d) motive.

<![CDATA[Request for data from South African Police Services’ Incident Registration Information System <b>IRIS</b> for the periods 1995, 1996 and 2013 to 2015. ]]> http://foip.saha.org.za/request_tracker/entry/sah-2015-sap-0011 http://foip.saha.org.za/request_tracker/entry/sah-2015-sap-0011#When:00:03:56Z Copies of any and all records in the South African Police Services’ Incident Registration Information System (IRIS) as follows:

1.      Data recorded from 1995-1996; and
2.      Data recorded from 2013 to date.
With each of the above broke down by each calendar year for each incident class known as (i) “crowd (unrest)” and (ii) “crowd (peaceful)”, with this broken down by (a) geography (provinces and nationally), and this further disaggregated according to (b) motive.

<![CDATA[Request for copies of records in <b>IRIS</b> system with information about protests in the Cape Town Metropolitan Municipal area, for the period 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2014. ]]> http://foip.saha.org.za/request_tracker/entry/sah-2015-sap-0010 http://foip.saha.org.za/request_tracker/entry/sah-2015-sap-0010#When:00:03:54Z Copies of any and all records in the South African Police Services’ Incident Registration Information System (IRIS); as follows:

Data recorded from 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2014 for each incident recorded within the geographical area of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality, including:
(a) “particulars of group” (including complete name, and type of organisation);
(b) “history” (all);
(c) “motive” (including short term and long term)”; and
(d) “particulars of intervention” (including type of incident, date and time of incident, place, motive, and short description of events).

<![CDATA[Request for data from South African Police Services’ Incident Registration Information System (<b>IRIS</b>) from 1997-2013 ]]> http://foip.saha.org.za/request_tracker/entry/sah-2014-sap-0018 http://foip.saha.org.za/request_tracker/entry/sah-2014-sap-0018#When:00:03:47Z Copies of any and all records in the South African Police Services’ Incident Registration Information System (IRIS) as follows:

1.    Data recorded from 1997-2013 by each calendar year for each incident class known as (i) “crowd (unrest)” and (ii) “crowd (peaceful)”, with this broken down by (a) geography (provinces and nationally), and this further disaggregated according to (b) motive

<![CDATA[Request for data from South African Police Services’ Incident Registration Information System (<b>IRIS</b>) from 1995 to October 2015. ]]> http://foip.saha.org.za/request_tracker/entry/sah-2015-sap-0041 http://foip.saha.org.za/request_tracker/entry/sah-2015-sap-0041#When:00:04:10Z Copies of all data for incident ‘type’ for the period from 1995 to date. This should be presented according to crowd (peaceful) incidents and crowd (unrest) incidents, with the information divided by year. Further, for each incident recorded, please list under the following columns: incident number, date, eventuality classification, province, and type.

<![CDATA[Request for copies of reports on public order / crowd management.]]> http://foip.saha.org.za/request_tracker/entry/sah-2015-sap-0032 http://foip.saha.org.za/request_tracker/entry/sah-2015-sap-0032#When:00:04:04Z Copies of:
a) All reports on crowd / public order management incidents for the 2013/14 year;
b) All reports or presentations on crowd / public order management provided to the executive or parliament during the 2013/14 year.
c) Any other policy reports on crowd management and / or public order policing.

<![CDATA[Request for records containing information on the three gatherings in which the most arrests were made in South Africa over the period 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2014.]]> http://foip.saha.org.za/request_tracker/entry/sah-2015-sap-0031 http://foip.saha.org.za/request_tracker/entry/sah-2015-sap-0031#When:00:04:04Z Copies of any and all records containing information on the three gatherings in which the most arrests were made in South Africa over the period 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2014, specifically containing, for each of those three gatherings, the following information:
a) the date, location and names of the groups that organised the gathering;
b) the number of members of the public estimated to have participated in the gathering;
c) the number of police deployed;
d) the number of special units, personnel and animals (dogs, horses) deployed;
e) the names and rank of field operational commanders, and the reporting structure with senior management for the gathering;
f) the kinds and number of equipment deployed (such as shields, bullet-proof vests, other protective gear, firearms, rubber bullets, live ammunition, gas canisters, grenades, handcuffs and water cannons);
g) The kinds and number of recording devices used;
h) The numbers of arrests and the charges filed, disaggregated by ethnicity, religion or other demographic categories;
i) The number of detainees:
* released within:
- 6 hours;
- 12 hours;
- 24 hours;
- 48 hours;
- 72 hours; and
* held for longer than 72 hours.
j) The number of people who were fined, and the amount of the fines;
k) Number and causes of all fatal and non-fatal injuries sustained by:
(i) police officers; and
(ii) members of the public;
l) The number of complaints against the police for misconduct related to these gatherings, specifically containing information on:
(i) the nature of the complaint;
(ii) and whether:
- initial disposal;
(iii) investigated;
(iv) substantiated; or
(v) sanctioned, including information on the type of sanction; and
m) all reports on these incidents.

<![CDATA[Requests for records relating to arrests and detentions in connection with crowd-related incidents.]]> http://foip.saha.org.za/request_tracker/entry/sah-2015-sap-0028 http://foip.saha.org.za/request_tracker/entry/sah-2015-sap-0028#When:00:04:04Z Copies of any and all records from the Crime Administration System (CAS), or any other system, for the period 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2014, showing:
(1) Arrests made during crowd related incidents;
(2) Charges brought against anyone so arrested and the outcome thereof; and
(3) Number of people held in detention as a result of any crowd-related incidents and the time held in detention.
