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Severity: 8192

Message: Non-static method Minimee::usage() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context

Filename: minimee/pi.minimee.php

Line Number: 12

SAHA - FOIP – CER-2014-SAM-0001 – Request tracker

Copies of all environmental authorisations, permits, licences and/or certificates.

Reference number: CER-2014-SAM-0001
Submitting organisation: Centre for Environmental Rights
Status: closed
Status note: Process concluded
Date submitted: August 28, 2014
Stage(s): Initial request
Request description:

Copies of the following records are requested:

1. In respect of Samancor Chrome Limited’s (Samancor’s) Middelburg Ferrochrome smelting works:

1.1. the applicable water use licences (WULs) in terms of the National Water Act 36 of 1998 (NWA);
alternatively, the applicable permits in terms of the Water Act 54 of 1956 (Water Act);

1.2. the applicable environmental authorisations issued in terms of National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998 (NEMA);
alternatively, if any of the above-mentioned smelting works does not have a NEMA environmental authorisation:

1.2.1 the applicable records of decision issued in terms of the Environment Conservation Act 73 of 1989 (ECA);

1.3. the applicable waste management licences (WMLs) in terms of the National Environmental Management: Waste Act 59 of 2008;
alternatively, if any of the above-mentioned smelting works does not have a WML:

1.3.1 the applicable waste permits in terms of ECA;

1.4. the applicable Atmospheric Emission Licences (AELs) in terms of the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act 39 of 2004;
alternatively, if the AEL has not been granted for any of the above-mentioned smelting works: 

1.4.1 the applicable Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act 45 of 1965 (APPA) registration certificate; and
1.4.2 the pending AEL application.

Initial request communication

Communication sent

Submission of PAIA request CER-2014-SAM-0001
Sent on: August, 28 2014

Response received

Response date: 2014-09-29
Response nature: Released in full
Received within statutory period: Yes

Released records

Record summary
ROD issued in terms of s.22(3) of the ECA for the construction and operation of a metal recovery plant and waste dump rehabilitation at Middelburg Ferrochrome, dated 28 March 2003.
Total pages
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Record summary
ROD issued in terms of s.22(3) of the ECA for the establishment of a Pelletising and Sintering Plant at the Middelburg Ferrochrome operation, dated 8 July 2004.
Total pages
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Record summary
EA issued for the proposed permitting of the existing slag waste disposal facility, dated 6 October 2008.
Total pages
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Record summary
AEL for activities listed under category 4 (4.9: ferro-alloy production; 4.1: drying and calcining; and 4.5: sinter plants, dated 10 March 2014.
Total pages
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Record summary
Provisional AEL for its reductants drier, valid until 31 December 2015, dated 9 April 2014.
Total pages
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Record summary
EA for proposed Middelburg Ferrochrome installation of redundant drier, dated 30 August 2013.
Total pages
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Record summary
WUL for disposal of waste in a manner which may detrimentally impact on a water resource, dated 8 September 2011.
Total pages
SAHA CALL number


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